Gajendra Singh’s suicide in AAP rally shocked and surprised public, a different type of reactions started pouring but I was neither surprised nor shocked and my only reaction was “Thank God: - Indian Revolution Failed”. Masses don’t study history and feel that present events are 1st of its kind, they get mesmerized by such events & emerging leaders but most of the time, it is just replay of history.
Let’s rewind time and start re-plotting some event from 2010, Arab Spring was extensively covered by media and Indian started feeling that Tahrir Square is somewhere in Delhi or Mumbai. One after another country was coming under fire of Arab Spring and suddenly IAC (India against Corruption) surfaced on Indian horizon, this organization was so mysterious that just after 3yr of successful anti-corruption movement, now there is no record of this organization and no public information available on who started IAC? Or who collected crores of a fund? And where is remaining fund? Etc. Today all these questions are irrelevant when we look into a bigger perspective. Same like IAC, Anna Hazare appeared in Delhi from the small village of Maharashtra and announced: “2nd fight for freedom started”, one more person “Arvind Kejriwal” appeared more mysteriously on the scene to announce “Indian Revolution started”, we all know what happened next.
Let’s pause for a moment on India to look back towards Gulf, after 5yr of Arab spring, all those countries ruined where the revolution was successful. Iraq, Libya, Syria, and Yemen are now in bloody civil war and so-called revolution already killed more than 5 lakh civilian in these countries, Egypt after the death of more than 5 thousand people is again in army hand. This clearly shows blind and sudden revolution most probably end with creating a bigger problem than the problem against which revolution started. Problem with such revolution is that most of the time even protestors don’t know the masterminds behind the game and about peoples who will take over once revolution end. It’s like riding on lion and once you reach the destination, you don’t know what to do with lion, now either Lion will eat you or you will need someone who can control lion, in both scenario you will be at loss as the one who can control lion will always take advantage of situation. Same happened in Arab countries, the revolution was just a beautiful front end for Al-Qaeda, Saudi Arabia, Iran, USA and many others to execute their plans and take control over oil rich countries or keep constant petrodollar flow. The important point here is, if in tiny Gulf countries so many players have interest then India like the big and powerful country will always see many local and international players playing own games on the name of revolution so I said: “Thank God: - Indian Revolution Failed”.
I don’t want to repeat all event which happened in last 3-4yrs as most of us closely watched ,How common people was forced to believe that a law can solve all India’s problem from rape to poverty to lack of resources to corruption as some gods messenger was coming in form of Lokpal, How a so-called nonpolitical movement has taken shape of political party?, How a leader emerged as dictator and for greater ambitions thrown a state in instability? But again did you feel all these events unique and no reference in history then hold on …………. You are wrong, this is one more story of individual dictatorial ambitions which comes ahead in form of left/communist revolutions.
If we check world’s 3 most famous revolution and what was the result of those then you will realize that what happened in India was not unique and luckily we survived a sinister design. Study Lenin & Stalin of Russia, Fidel Castro & Che Guevara of Cuba and Mao of China and you will see a clear reference to all events happened in India. Let’s analyses few main points
Deaths & Killings: - Anna Hazer fast still death, Killing/Accident of Santosh koli and latest in series is “Gajendra Singh” but if you see above-mentioned revolutions then killings or death was always part of game and not necessary only opponents got killed but Lenin, Stalin or Mao, all killed own people for Control of power or getting advantages.
Arvind Kejriwal or AAP is not a communist movement: - Please give me a break J; even Fidel Castro publicly announced in the USA that he is not a communist but what happened next? Model is easy; as Communism is attractive so put it in policies but the world knows it is failed model so simply stay away from proclaiming it.
Use and Throw policy: - Stalin sidelined all colleague, Mao killed own party men, Lenin started red Army specifically for killing or sideline people who supported revolution in early stage, read in history what happen to Kronstadt Sailors who helped Lenin in getting power.
Kejriwal behaving as a dictator: - On this only smile 😃; Lenin killed all who asked elections; Castro appointed himself as a head of nation and party, he even in retirement handed over power to brother. Mao seems close to Kejriwal, remember the statement that “I will take away 67 MLA and you guys keep party” is in the line of Mao actions, when pressure mounted on Mao to leave the position after ruling almost 20Yr, he chooses to destroy the same party which he started rather than handing over power.
Compromise with Ideals: - Ideals were always easy way to grab power & not to walk on those, Lenin lost the election so he grabbed power by violence & killed all those who demand an election, Castro did same & list goes on so history show anyone expecting democracy or Lokapl in AAP is simply fooling himself.
Conspiracy Theories: - If Kejriwal blame everyone then nothing surprising as even Mao called everyone “capitalist agent of USA” & in agent list Mao included his party men, media, intellectual, teacher, and parents but later on gone ahead to tie-up with same USA.
Failure in Governance: - All revolutionary failed in governance and implementing ideal which they preached so you will not be surprised if Kejriwal fails and reason is simple none of these so-called revolutionaries had any past experience of governance or they never proved the fact that ideals preached by them are even implementable take example of Russia, China or Even West Bengal, communist-ruled for decades but never able to implement even 50% of what they preached. So what remains is another revolution, Mao went ahead with one after another revolution and killed many people, Che failed to revamp Cuba economy or implement ideal so he moves ahead to another revolution in Congo & Then Bolivia. This is what we are seeing in Delhi, one after another confrontation because revolution must go on J.
That’s why I started by saying “Thank God –Indian revolution failed”, Indian strong democracy & people maturity made sure that revolution got restricted to Delhi corridors else we would have seen Moa or Stalin or Che or Castro or Lenin like dictatorship and killing of own people. I always believed that Indian systems are designed to slowdown things and keep check and balances at every stage and not for speed but today I feel that same system saved us from Indian Mao’s & Lenin’s. Kejriwal is CM but has many check & balances which will save the nation from taking India to that extreme corners of revolution, Kejriwal colleagues must thank god & Indian constitution that they are just shown door for asking Ideals as Kejriwal don’t have army otherwise history tells a lot about those revolutionaries.
So thank god….
References to documentaries which referred in the blog.
Lenin Russia revolution:-
Mao revolution: -
Castro & Che revolution :-